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can you tell what it was yet?

well they finally made it, the first republic clone on our table, we had a big argument over which clones to do, or just have them plain, but we decided on 212th which fits our planned RPG, and later move on to 501st. Good thing about 212th they also use alternate green to add verity

all ready to play

and now the news....

painty time

Lets Paint Saxon Housecarl with spear

look sir droids

you can tell he's a monk by the hat

Switching to victrix my old buildings no longer seem to scale so making new ones for the bigger scale

on cold dark nights a light is handy

needing a few stormtroopers for RPG to be singled out, so I did a few in obvious replacement armour thats yet to be painted, still use for battles and handy when needing a character


is there a name for a saxon sword? oh yeas a Sax

Lets paint Pyke with Stun Baton and P-13 Advancing Star Wars Legion

Lets build Heliograph tower space 1889 Part 18

Lets build Heliograph tower space 1889 Part 19

Lets paint Stormtrooper specialist with T 21 Blaster Star Wars Legion

still coming on, but painting rusty metal is hard and its not easy doing it this big

starting to come together

Lets build Heliograph tower space 1889 Part 15

Lets Paint the best character in star wars

Lets build Heliograph tower space 1889 Part 14

Lets build Heliograph tower space 1889 Part 13


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

234 videos

Category Gaming

This channel is where myself (Vespasian) discuss the inns and out and playing of tabletop games with the trusty sidekick and the empress